Telford, PennsylvaniaPerennials
Telephone: (267) 371 - 3050 Grasses

Salvia x superba 'Blue Queen'
Common name   Violet sage
Hardiness Zone   4 to 9
Sun   Full sun
Soil   Dry to medium moisture
Flower color   Dark Blue
Bloom Time   June - September
Height   12 in

General Culture:
Easily grown in average, dry to medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun. Not fussy about soil, it flourishes in blazing sun, tolerating drought and often reblooming.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
The deep blue blooms are richly colorful on dwarf 12-inch plants, blooming in early summer and then repeating their fine show later in the season. A spectacular source of dark, intense color and narrow, vertical form, Blue Queen is one of the finest Salvias we know, attracting butterflies to the garden and prompting exclamations and double-takes from visitors.

No serious disease problems. Susceptible to leaf spot and rust. White fly and scale are occasional insect pests.
Provides long summer bloom to the perennial border, rock garden, cottage garden, wild garden or naturalized planting.