Telford, PennsylvaniaPerennials
Telephone: (267) 371 - 3050 Grasses

Achillea 'Moonshine'
Common name   Yarrow
Hardiness Zone   3 - 8
Sun   Full sun
Soil   dry to medium
Flower color   Bright yellow
Height   1 - 2'
Spread   1 - 2'
General Culture:
Best grown in dry to medium moisture, well-drained sandy loams in full sun. Does well in average garden soils and tolerates poor soils as long as drainage is good. Avoid heavy clays and moist, rich, fertile soils. Plants shoule be protected from strong winds. May need staking or other support. Deadhead spent flower heads to promote additional bloom. Cut plants back to basal leaves after flowering to tidy the planting and to encourage new foliage growth with a possible additional fall bloom. 'Moonshine' is susceptible to a number of foliar diseases and tends to melt out by mid to late summer.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
'Moonshine' is an upright, clump-forming, compact hybrid yarrow which is noted for its fern-like, aromatic, silvery foliage. Long-lasting, bright yellow flowers appear throughout the summer on stiff, erect stems typically rising 1-2' tall.
Plant foliage tends to decline considerably by mid summer in hot and humid summer climates. May not need staking if given proper culture, though strong summer rain storms with high winds can flatten exposed plantings.
Specimen, group or mass. Borders. Cottage gardens.