Telford & Topton, PennsylvaniaPerennials
Telephone: (267) 371 - 3050 Grasses

Dicentra 'Candy Hearts'
Common name  Bleeding Heart
Hardiness Zone   3 - 9
Sun   Full sun / part shade
Soil   medium moisture
Flower color   Cherry red
Bloom Time  April - May
Height  1 - 1.5 ft.

General Culture:
Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in part shade. Prefers moist, humusy soils. Intolerant of wet soils in winter and dry soils in summer. Does poorly in the hot and humid conditions of the deep South.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
This bleeding heart cultivar features deeply-cut, fern-like, grayish-green foliage which persists throughout the growing season and cherry red, nodding, heart-shaped flowers carried above the foliage. Plant typically grows to 15" tall. Bloom begins in late spring. In cooler climates, flowering may continue throughout the summer, but in the hotter climates, the flowering will generally stop in hot weather, with a possible rebloom occurring when the weather cools in late summer or early fall. Given adequate moisture, foliage remains attractive in summer, and may produce an attractive groundcover effect.
No serious insect or disease problems. Some susceptibility to aphid infestations. Good soil drainage is essential for plant survival.
Best for the shaded border or woodland garden. Prefers partial shade and well-drained, humus-rich soil.