Telford, PennsylvaniaPerennials
Telephone: (267) 371 - 3050 Grasses

Aster dumosus 'Wood's Purple'
Common name   Dwarf aster
Hardiness Zone   4 - 8
Sun   Full sun
Soil   light - medium
Flower color  purple
Bloom time   Early fall
Height   1'
Spread   1'

General Culture:
Grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Does well in sandy or clay soil. Generally tolerates poor soils and some drought. Pinching is not required due to compact size. Plants do not come true from seed, so consideration should be given to cutting back stems after flowering to prevent self-seeding.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
‘Wood’s Purple’ is a compact aster that typically grows in a mounded clump to 12-18” tall. Small, purple flowers (to 1/2” across) with yellow centers bloom in late summer to early fall. Glossy dark green leaves have excellent disease resistance.
No serious insect or disease problems. Reportedly has excellent mildew and rust resistance.
Sunny locations. Also may be grown in containers.