Telford & Topton, PennsylvaniaPerennials
Telephone: (267) 371 - 3050 Grasses

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
Common name   Bugleweed
Hardiness Zone   3-10
Sun   Full sun - part shade
Soil   Average
Flower color   Blue
Height   6-12"

General Culture:
Ajuga reptans is easy to grow and easy to transplant. It prefers a well-drained shady location but also performs well in sunny areas. Soil should contain organic matter. A light, early spring fertilization is sufficient. Spreads rapidly.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
Ajuga reptans is noted for the striking range of foliage colors and textures. 'Burgundy Glow' features tricolored foliage (white, pink and green) and blue flowers on 6" spikes in late spring. In mass plantings, the flower effect can be very dramatic.
Ajuga is relatively care-free, however, it can spread, particularly in lawns. It is susceptible to crown rot. To limit damage from crown rot, rake debris regularly and keep the bed as clean as possible. Dig out unwanted plants to keep within boundaries. Avoid soggy conditions.
Provides color and contrast to the perennial border. Effective in small groups or as a massed planting. These low, creeping plants make a wonderful ground cover. Great for preventing erosion.